Saturday 23 August 2014

Security Consulting UK -why you need a compact security master plan

Importance of physical security

Most of the time experts take network security seriously and neglect the physical security. Usually companies hire few security guards and leave the rest on them; well it’s not just enough. Mostly physical security is taken up to locks, cameras and the guards. Here are three common threats that must be considered while designing the security of the system:

•    Identity Theft
•    Data or property destruction
•    Data or property theft

Taking the building infrastructure some of these threats may cause the most harm to the company. To elaborate the threat level considers a company who is facing high competition against its services or product. Obviously companies do not hire hackers to steal the confidential data from their networks. Their property may become their first preference to attack. In case of public places such as libraries the network is usually secured, while the real threat is to the property. This needs a strong implementation of physical security.
We live in a world where threats to property and valuables are increasing and people are looking for advance technology that can save them from such threats.

The real insight:


People like me usually follow a regime before going to bed and it is to check every door, closet and locks to see whether they are perfectly locked or not. The regime is quite tight as I own a big bangle with too new cars and still I faced a robbery attempt. Thankfully saved lot of my valuables but this has put me in situation where I need something really advance. And I found the realm in Security Consulting UK a complete security plan customized for my home only.

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